COMP0035 Problem classes / tutorials 2023/24
The weekly Friday classes provide an introduction to the practical skills needed for the coursework. Typically, but not always, the sessions will start with a brief demonstration followed by practical activities. You are then encouraged to start to apply the skills to your coursework.
You will need to bring your own laptop as you will find it easier to configure and install software using your own computer.
These sessions are supported by the course tutor, PGTAs and undergraduate computer science students who have experience with Python.
- Week 1: Using source code control and Create the repository for your coursework
- Week 2: Using Python virtual environments and Create and configure an environment for your project
- Week 3 and 4: Data preparation and exploration with pandas
- Week 4 and 5: Using linters and code AI tools
- Week 6: Requirements and Wireframes
- Week 7: Application design Please use PDF version only. There is an issue that the class diagrams render as code rather than diagrams in the HTML version.
- Week 8: Database design Please use PDF version only. There is an issue that some diagrams render as code rather than diagrams in the HTML version.
- Week 9: Testing
- Week 10: Coursework 2 completion - No tutorial guide for this week. Use the sessions for support and questions.